Events such as Superstorm Sandy highlight the growing relevance of climate change and draw attention to the importance of taking steps today to be prepared for the likely events of tomorrow. Preparing for the Rising Tide provides policy makers, planners and property owners with site-specific examples of how to assess vulnerability and increase resilience to coastal flooding over time.
Preparedness plans need to be robust enough to handle any future condition, and/or flexible enough to change over time to meet needs as they arise. Ideally they include “no-regret” and co-benefit” solutions that extend beyond flood control goals. Cost-effective preparedness plans will result in both “here and now” and “prepare and monitor” actions based on threshold triggers such as sea level rise.
Previous reports have described a range of large-scale adaptation strategies. This report takes those recommendations and applies them to specific properties in Boston. Some cities such as Seattle, WA and Charleston, SC are developing “floodable zones” that preserve the city’s access to its waterfront while minimizing damage when periodic flooding occurs. This concept of “living with water” is an option to consider in Boston as well.